Tag Archives: Barry Goldwater

Republican’s RINO Problem


It has become common in recent years for self-described Republican “conservatives” to target for defeat in party primaries those candidates (including incumbent officeholders) whom they consider Republicans In Name Only (“RINOs).

This purification process is based on the rational view that if one believes in party-based governance, Republican voters should elect those candidates who most accurately reflect what the party stands for. It’s a view that confuses America’s constituent-based governing system with the parliamentary systems the Founders rejected (for good reason) but I’m willing to accept the anti-RINO logic even if based on a faulty premise. Continue reading

Litmus Test for Committee Chairmen?


 Reprinted from The Hill.

The Washington Examiner on Nov. 8th, joined the lobbying campaign to prevent Michigan Congressman Fred Upton from becoming the new Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. 
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This Election Won’t Be the Last


Republicans—for good reasons—are pretty giddy about the prospects for Election Day.  Unless unemployment suddenly drops, there is just no precedent in American history for the election to result in anything other than a massive victory for Republicans.  The mainstream media can rant all they want about the Tea Party and the party of ‘no’, but it will not change a thing in my opinion.

But , in addition to the issues of the economy, massive spending, and ObamaCare, another issue is emerging as salient and defining.  I am talking about immigration.  Depsite, our election-year euphoria, my fear is that we Republicans are failing to fully grasp and understand the power of a defining moment in American politics, a failure that could have long-term implications that are not good for our Party.

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