Tag Archives: main stream media

Institutions Part V: News Media Lapses in Modern Times


The news media in America are spinning out of control, caught up in a powerful funnel cloud of self-righteousness, self-interest, a loss of journalistic identity, and wild-eyed illusions of grandeur about saving the planet from evil.

The media are not the enemy of the people; not by a long shot; but they are their own worst enemy, exhausting their credibility and abandoning the character and measured judgment that not too long ago was the hallmark of American journalism.

The free press is just one of several institutions absolutely fundamental to our system of self-government and our open society experiencing decline, from the Legislative and Executive branches of government to public and private education, organized religion, community, charity, and the family unit. Continue reading

Right Wing on a Roll

Reprinted from TheFeeheryTheory.com

It has been a good couple of weeks for conservative activists. They have been able to take issues that they care deeply about and get the MSM (or main-stream media) to pay attention.

First, it was the trial of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell that caught fire.

I noticed on my Facebook page some of my “friends” kept talking about this Philadelphia doctor who killed babies after they were born. They were complaining bitterly how the trial was not being covered by anybody outside of Philly.

And as it turned out, they were right. The MSM didn’t cover the story for weeks, especially in Washington. But late last month, a switch seemed to turn, and the GR888, even Morning Joe would talk about it on their roundtable discussions. Continue reading